My personal Future

A unique book.

Written in a span of 1,400 years
Over 60 generations
From more than 40 authors from all walks of life, including:
Kings and peasants
Philosophers and fishermen
Poets and statesmen
Scholars and Shepherds
Military commanders in chief
A baker and a doctor
Customs officers and spiritual leaders

Written in various places, including:
In the desert
In a prison
In a palace
On a mountain slope
To travel
On an island
In prison
During campaigns

At different times:
During wartime
During peacetime
Of the day
At night

During different dangers, including:
War Dangers
Dangers of the wilderness
Dangers from cities
Dangers of all kinds of opponents
Dangers of own people (people, family, friends)
Government dangers
Dangers of starvation and thirst
Dangers of the night and day
Dangers of treason
Political dangers
Dangers of robbers

This book was written on three continents:
Africa, Asia and Europe
And in three languages:
Two asian and one european language
On different media:
On leather skins, on paper, on stone
It was written under different states of mind:
In the height of joy
In the depth of worry and despair.

When this book was finished, it was haunted to the brim, and still is today:
At all times and epochs
Governments and statesmen
From relatives and acquaintances
From nations and private individuals
From various religions and worldviews: from Christians and Muslims, from Buddhists and Hinduists, from Jews and Shamans, from Atheists and from Philosophers, from Theists and from Democrats, from Royalists and Socialists, from Capitalists, Revolutionaries and Freethinkers

This book contains several hundred prophecies to this day and beyond. A large part of it has already been fulfilled, and a smaller part must and will still be fulfilled.
It will come true whether you like it or not.
You can love it or hate it: No one will ever be able to prevent this book from spreading to the most remote corners of the earth.
It is the most widely used book on earth, the best seller of the centuries. This book is available in practically all languages, at least in excerpts, but mostly as a whole. This book is available on paper, on stone and on modern data media - from tapes and records to computers and data networks.

Billions of people own this book, sometimes even at the risk of their own freedom and their own health and life.
Nevertheless, they love this book, and especially the content. But who or what they love most is the author who is behind all of this:
GOD the Most High / the Almighty
Do you know his name
I am who I am is the meaning of his name.
Many thousands, yes, probably millions of people were beaten, tortured to the blood, slandered, betrayed, tortured, killed because of this name and the associated life-giving institutions. All because they love God, maybe like YOU

Would you also accept this for God?
Many Christians did and still do today.
Christians are the most persecuted guardians of religion today - an estimated 100 to 200 million worldwide.
Just because they love God, they become martyrs.
Which side are you on?
On the side of those who love God, lead a decent life, like YOU maybe, possibly also as a non-Christian? Or on the side of the murderers, slanders, bad guys that God hates?
Do you really want to get to know the god of love? - Then please read this book: